What Made the Friends TV Show So Special?

What Made the Friends TV Show So Special?

The Friends TV show is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It has developed a great fan following who enjoys watching it even at present. It was first broadcast in September 1994. Most amazingly, this hugely loved and popular sitcom ran for about 236 episodes and 10 seasons till May 2004.

When the TV show was premiered for the first time, it was almost everywhere. From its theme to the Rachel haircut, people adopted everything of it. However, over the years, the show has endured only. Even more, it is one of the most-watched shows on Netflix.

What made Friends TV show such a success?

So, whenever it comes to Friends, most of the people think that it is well-known for its best comedies of the era only. Therefore, here we have brought some of the best reasons for you to consider in this regard.

Friends TV show is timeless

Undoubtedly, Friends is a timeless serial, and this is the major reason behind its extensive success. Even after 25 years, adults are able to relate to this series, because situations in the show are pretty realistic. From constant careers’ change to relying on parents and then being on your own completely, friends remain the best show to capture the near 20th age group for years to come.

Even the individuals who are watching it on repeat aren’t getting bored of this masterpiece.

Hilarious and relatable characters

Whether it’s a passion for the fashion of Racheal, sarcastic jokes of Chandler, bad luck tormented love life of Ross, timeless songs of Phoebe, or neurosis of Monica, each character of Friends serial has its own unique characteristics.

The fandom of Friends has grown up with these amazing characters. Even, most of the people can relate to them as well as their hilarious and crazy yet complicated lives.

Friends has some amazing life lessons to teach

Despite the unavoidable sarcasm and humor that is marking the series, every episode of this serial ends up with an amazing life lesson. However, one of the most major yet important ones from these is to count on the friends you have, always. And don’t care about the opinions of other people about this.

Jokes of Friends never get old

Well, this isn’t only the characters or situations of the Friends serial that are relatable for the individuals in emerging adulthood, but the jokes of this series also never get old. People usually find themselves laughing at the same jokes over and over again.

Friends is a sitcom and is capable of making you laugh even for the years to come. You will definitely enjoy its jokes whenever you see them.


People are still loving Friends TV show extensively. Even more, it is still being loved and watched even by plenty of adults of twenties or older. Overall, it is a timeless show which has turned it into such a success. Viewers are still able to relate to this series and will do the same for the years to come.