A longer historical summary can be found here.
2100s – Near-side moon colonized and domed, under human control
2137 – CLOCK STOP / END OF THE “AGE OF AGE” Humans’ biological clocks are stopped by the Synths, in what is seen as their First Great Accomplishment. As a result, it becomes legal for any human to electively stop aging once they reach 26.
2140s – The Synths’ Second Great Accomplishment is the End of Scarcity: they make food synthesizers and optimize the economy so every Citizen gets a guaranteed income. In their Third Great Accomplishment, Synths improve space travel with new, faster engine designs.
2166 – Rise of Supermetaphysics, via the systemwide Synth best seller, The Incubator Universe by Leaf Eggleston Yzaguirre Caxias.
2170 – Gravitation is mastered in the Synths’ Fourth Great Accomplishment, which allows for terraforming via gravitation-producing nanites; cars fly; streets become gravways
2170 – Studios move to Far Side, 75 years before CP
2210 – YEAR OF THE CITIZEN / Citizenship Test is adopted for AIs, for all rights except right to vote. Synths also given Citizenship under same terms, 100 years after first appearance. Animals also declared “Silent Citizens.”
2215 – Terraforming begun, 115 years after domed colonies widespread
25-year process:
• Gravitational nanites introduced
• Atmosphere generated with molecule generators
• Water brought in
2233 – Sam born March 6
2240 – Terraforming complete, 25 years later
• Vegetation is patchy on both sides, still very arid
• Wealthy people, anticipating the land rush, have purchased large tracts on land on the former Far Side, and other parts are designated nature preserves
• People occupying the lowlands, now oceans, have been granted plots of land on the Far Side, but some don’t want to move since goods and services are still scarce
• Robot quasi-citizens and lower income humans have come to live on the Near Side, settling near established, recently undomed settlements
2245 – Girls move to Luna in September
2246 – Events of the series
2250 – Robots get vote
2250 – Mars terraforming begins
2260 – First Synths elected (before given right to vote)
2271 – Re-Youthing
Nubium-Nectaris, the area around New Hollywood where the events take place, as depicted in Marky’s “Pirate Map” style
Lunar Terraforming in Cyberpink and RNWY
Terraformed Mars around Valles Marineris, 2201 (from Vox Wormhall)
Terraformed Mars around Valles Marineris, 2300 (from Vox Wormhall)